Friday, December 30, 2011

First Post of 2011-12: Starting with a whimper

Our excellent adventure became more of one the day before we left home. Our project director, Bill Thorn, had to cancel due to a family health emergency. Suddenly we were left with, gasp, me as director. That may not promise excellence, but it does adventure.

The team also includes Carole Burns, director of the Wakerly Technology Center at Marquette, and four student aides, all chosen for, among other reasons, their ability to work with technology. We will be leaning on them as well as Carole to pick up some of the work normally done by Dr. Thorn. This is an interesting group, and one that will be fun to work with. They include two women, Andrea Anderson and Jennifer Solorio, and two men, Jim Burns (Carole’s son) and Chris Whitman.

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