Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Memorable sites, non-military

Most memorable sights so far, non-military types: parrots, both a pair of large green and a red and yellow bird; the pack of feral dogs running around, large, skinny, and tan. They appeared to be small deer when I first saw them. One female is emaciated, probably because of the seven pups constantly attempting to feed; the thousands of birds in the evenings, crows, hawks, gulls, swallows and many more. Bird calls during class right outside the classroom; kids practicing cricket. All these, and more, are stuck in my memory. However, nothing so far comes close to matching the traffic along the street just outside the door of St. Xavier’s. It’s not just the volume, although that is impressive with so many vehicles that I couldn’t figure out how to safely cross the street. But it’s more the kind of vehicles. Bicycles, motor scooters, rickshaws powered by small engines, a camel cart, and, of course, the occasional cow. People dressed in every manner, ranging from the western garb of jeans and a shirt through full Moslem dress or Indian saris. I could stand alongside the street for an hour, just drinking in the sights and sounds. Horns constantly honking to warn drivers or, sometimes it seems, just because.
So far I’ve only been off the St. Xavier campus twice. Once shopping the next, for a small walk. I’m heading off for one now (5:30 in the morning Tuesday). Who knows what I’m going to see?

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